Light System Engine gen5 Firmware Release Notes

Release (November 14, 2023) - Connectivity fix Interact Landmark

This is a connectivity fix release for those that face issues with connectivity to Interact Landmark.
The fix ensures the device will always attempt to reconnect to Interact cloud after any connection disruption and will result in a much more persistent connection with Interact Landmark.
Install this update only if you have a site that is connected to Interact Landmark and you are facing connectivity issues.

Bug Fixes

Release 2.3.2 (November 2nd, 2020)

New Features

Bug Fixes

Known Defects

Release 2.3.1 (March 17th, 2020)

New Features

Bug Fixes

Known Defects

Release 2.3.0 (July 10th, 2019)

New Features

Bug Fixes

Known Defects

Additional Notes

Release (October 26th, 2018)

New Features

Release (August 21st, 2018)

New Features

Release 2.1.2 (May 23rd, 2018)

Bug Fixes

Release 2.1.1 (March 12th, 2018)

Bug Fixes

Release 2.1.0 (December 12th, 2017)

New Features

Release (August 31st, 2017)

Bug Fixes

Release 2.0.0 (June 9th, 2017)

New Features

Known Issues

Deprecated Features

Additional Notes

Release 1.9.6 (May 4th, 2016)

Bug Fixes

Release 1.9.5 (April 22nd, 2016)

Bug Fixes

Release 1.9.4 (Internal release only)

Bug Fixes

Release 1.9.3 (Internal release only)

Bug Fixes

Release 1.9.2 (Internal release only)

New Features

Bug Fixes

Release 1.9.1 (February 5th, 2016)

New Features

Bug Fixes

Release 1.9.0 (Initial Release)